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Brew Brilliance Events

Brew Brilliance events are more than just music performances, they are opportunities for discussion, connection and growth! Each month BB events will feature local speakers presenting on a wide range of topics relevant to the community. Topics may include: Politics, Music, Art, Education, Economics, Psychology, Medicine, Sociology, Film and all topics in between!

Brew Brilliance events are held in accessible spaces in Chicago communities and are donation based programs. Coffee Jazz Collective Members perform for BB events. The live music provides an extensional platform for the development of the ideas and concepts discussed in each talk. 


What is the breakdown of each event? 


1hr talk --------->1hr discussion-------->1hr music Set 



When is the first talk ? 




How can you be involved ? 

You can attend the talk and support your fellow community members. The more people we can bring together the more our neighborhood's thrive!


If you would like to present for a Tea Talk please fill out the Presenter Application below! Thank you for your passion!


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